Offering Infidelity Therapy in Charlotte, NC & Online

You found out your spouse cheated. You still care about your spouse, but you feel so betrayed.  In fact, it’s hard to imagine ever trusting them again. But you have a lot invested in this relationship, and when you said "I do," you meant forever.  You're committed to this relationship, but you need to find hope that it can get better. You find yourself wondering if your relationship is over. Do relationships really survive after such a painful experience? Is there any hope that a relationship can be good again after one spouse cheats?

 This is a difficult position to be in. Cheating is a betrayal and can feel traumatic, sometimes even to both partners.  It can be confusing and sometimes your feelings change from moment to moment. However, infidelity counseling helps you find a way forward after an affair. Many relationships do survive infidelity. In fact, our couples counselors often see relationships end up stronger on the other side of all this pain.


Can my relationship survive infidelity?

You value your relationship and you're not sure you are ready to call it quits. However, you are worried about being judged for staying. You wonder, "Do people actually stay after their spouse cheated? Am I just being gullible if I decide to stay?"

In our experience, couples can find healing after an affair. In fact often the relationship is strengthened through couples and marriage counseling. However, without the support of a skilled therapist, cheating is the number one cause of divorce.

Can you stay after an affair? Yes. You can stay and work through the issues. No, your relationship doesn’t have to end. There is hope for affair recovery with the help of a skilled therapists.

Couples Counseling After An Affair

Your trust has been broken. However, the spouse who cheated is apologetic and both partners want to make this marriage work. Couples therapy can help your relationship survive infidelity. In our downtown Chicago office, we help couples find a way forward after an affair. Regardless of what led to infidelity, it's possible for your relationship to be healthy again. Rebuilding trust and reconnecting requires the commitment of both partners and professional support, but it can be done!

A Note About Emotional Affairs

Not every affair is physical in nature. Maybe your spouse has been emotionally distant lately. Perhaps you have even confronted them about it. They insist they haven’t crossed any physical boundaries. However, you still feel hurt and betrayed. They've crossed an emotional boundary and relied on another person to meet the emotional needs that you used to meet. Infidelity includes emotional affairs. It's possible for an emotional affair to cause similar pain to as sexual affairs.

​The good news is that couples therapy or marriage counseling can help you rebuild trust and connection even when the betrayal wasn't a physical one.  

Counseling Can Help Your Relationship Recover

While there is no going back to how life was before the affair, it is possible to have a better relationship than you did before. It's hard to see right now in the midst of all the pain. And the truth is that it will take a lot of work to save your marriage or relationship.  But it can change.  There is hope. ​Yes, people stay after affairs.  Yes, it can get better. In fact, if you and your partner are willing to do the work, you can come out stronger on the other side.

Affair Recovery at Enliven Therapy Charlotte

I believe in the power of couples counseling and marriage therapy to help your relationship heal after infidelity.  I use evidence-based counseling methods combining Gottman Method, Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), and Solution Focused Therapy to help you find healing. While your relationship will never be the same, there is hope that it can be better than ever.